the famous android forum or tech forum in general have released another beta version of their XDA LABs app for beta testers. so if you know you are a xda member that likes to test out new stuffs, the new labs app is cool thing to test. the apl does not come without bugs as it is still in its beta state, so watch out and send any bugs to xda for fixing.

features :

  • easy update for xposed modules
  • serves as alternative appstore with added features playstore dont offer
  • easy access to subscribed post
  • easy access to HD wallpapers + download 
  • developers can upload apps for user downloads
  • early access to apps before official release. (MOSTLY BETA VERSIONS) 
  • many more features only xda members would understand. 
so what are you waiting for,  head over to xda download page and grab the one you need. download

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