Despite the fact that you just switched from Blackberry 10 to Android or iOS, Blackberry still loves you. They’ve just announced the launch of their  BlackBerry Hub+ suite of Android apps, which will be made available with a new software licensing program for mobile devices.

According to Blackberry, … we’re bringing the super productivity suite known as BlackBerry Hub+ from BlackBerry 10 to, not just PRIV  or our coming DTEK50 smartphone, but ALL Android M(arshmallow) smartphones.
BlackBerry Hub+ for Android is a new suite of apps that should be familiar to any BlackBerry 10 user. It helps centralize all of  your communications into a single, unified interface. The BlackBerry Hub inbox is included in this app bundle, which also includes a calendar, password keeper, contacts. notes, a launcher and more.

For now, it is available for Android 6.0 Marshmallow… It will be available for Android Lollipop and iOS devices later in the future.

Where Can I Download it?
You can download a free trial of Android Hub for Android from Google Play. After a 30-day trial, you can continue using the apps for free with an ad-based experience, or subscribe to the entire suite of apps for 99 cents  a month, which will include additional features: contacts, tasks, device search, notes and launcher.

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